This module contains the abstract classes for the components of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM).
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, runtime_checkable, Union
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from dynamax.ssm import SSM
from dynamax.types import IntScalar, Scalar
from dynamax.parameters import to_unconstrained, from_unconstrained
from dynamax.parameters import ParameterSet, PropertySet
from dynamax.hidden_markov_model.inference import HMMPosterior, HMMPosteriorFiltered
from dynamax.hidden_markov_model.inference import hmm_filter
from dynamax.hidden_markov_model.inference import hmm_posterior_mode
from dynamax.hidden_markov_model.inference import hmm_smoother
from dynamax.hidden_markov_model.inference import hmm_two_filter_smoother
from dynamax.utils.optimize import run_gradient_descent
from dynamax.utils.utils import pytree_slice
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import vmap
from jax.tree_util import tree_map
from jaxtyping import Float, Array, PyTree, Real
import optax
from tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax import distributions as tfd
class HMMParameterSet(Protocol):
"""Container for HMM parameters.
:param initial: (ParameterSet) initial distribution parameters
:param transitions: (ParameterSet) transition distribution parameters
:param emissions: (ParameterSet) emission distribution parameters
def initial(self) -> ParameterSet:
"""Initial distribution parameters."""
def transitions(self) -> ParameterSet:
"""Transition distribution parameters."""
def emissions(self) -> ParameterSet:
"""Emission distribution parameters."""
class HMMPropertySet(Protocol):
"""Container for properties of HMM parameter properties.
:param initial: (PropertySet) initial distribution properties
:param transitions: (PropertySet) transition distribution properties
:param emissions: (PropertySet) emission distribution properties
def initial(self) -> PropertySet:
"""Initial distribution properties."""
def transitions(self) -> PropertySet:
"""Transition distribution properties."""
def emissions(self) -> PropertySet:
"""Emission distribution properties."""
class HMMInitialState(ABC):
"""Abstract class for HMM initial distributions.
def __init__(self,
m_step_num_iters=50) -> None:
self.m_step_optimizer = m_step_optimizer
self.m_step_num_iters = m_step_num_iters
def distribution(self,
params: ParameterSet,
inputs: Optional[Float[Array, " input_dim"]]=None
) -> tfd.Distribution:
"""Return a distribution over the initial latent state
conditional distribution of initial state.
raise NotImplementedError
def initialize(self,
key: Optional[Array]=None,
method: str="prior",
) -> Tuple[ParameterSet, PropertySet]:
"""Initialize the model parameters and their corresponding properties.
key: random number generator
method: specifies the type of initialization
tuple of parameters and their corresponding properties
raise NotImplementedError
def log_prior(self, params: ParameterSet) -> Scalar:
"""Compute the log prior probability of the initial distribution parameters.
params: initial distribution parameters
raise NotImplementedError
def _compute_initial_probs(self, params, inputs:Optional[Array] = None):
"""Compute the initial probabilities for each state."""
return self.distribution(params, inputs).probs_parameter()
def collect_suff_stats(self,
params: ParameterSet,
posterior: HMMPosterior,
inputs: Optional[Float[Array, "num_timesteps input_dim"]]=None
) -> Tuple[Float[Array, " num_states"], Optional[Float[Array, " input_dim"]]]:
"""Collect sufficient statistics for updating the initial distribution parameters.
params: initial distribution parameters
posterior: posterior distribution over latent states
inputs: optional inputs
PyTree of sufficient statistics for updating the initial distribution
return posterior.smoothed_probs[0], pytree_slice(inputs, 0)
def initialize_m_step_state(self,
params: ParameterSet,
props: PropertySet):
"""Initialize any required state for the M step.
For example, this might include the optimizer state for Adam.
# Extract the remaining unconstrained params, which should only be for the emissions.
unc_params = to_unconstrained(params, props)
return self.m_step_optimizer.init(unc_params)
def m_step(self,
params: ParameterSet,
props: PropertySet,
batch_stats: PyTree,
m_step_state: Any,
scale: float=1.0
) -> Tuple[ParameterSet, Any]:
"""Perform an M-step on the initial distribution parameters.
params: current initial distribution parameters
props: parameter properties
batch_stats: PyTree of sufficient statistics from each sequence, as output by :meth:`collect_suff_stats`.
m_step_state: any state required for the M-step
scale: how to scale the objective
Parameters that maximize the expected log joint probability.
# Extract the remaining unconstrained params, which should only be for the emissions.
unc_params = to_unconstrained(params, props)
# Minimize the negative expected log joint probability
def neg_expected_log_joint(unc_params):
"""Compute the negative expected log joint probability."""
params = from_unconstrained(unc_params, props)
def _single_expected_log_like(stats):
"""Compute the expected log likelihood for a single sequence."""
expected_initial_state, inpt = stats
log_initial_prob = jnp.log(self._compute_initial_probs(params, inpt))
lp = jnp.sum(expected_initial_state * log_initial_prob)
return lp
log_prior = self.log_prior(params)
batch_ells = vmap(_single_expected_log_like)(batch_stats)
expected_log_joint = log_prior + batch_ells.sum()
return -expected_log_joint / scale
# Run gradient descent
unc_params, m_step_state, losses = \
# Return the updated parameters and optimizer state
params = from_unconstrained(unc_params, props)
return params, m_step_state
class HMMTransitions(ABC):
"""Abstract class for HMM transitions.
def __init__(self,
m_step_num_iters=50) -> None:
self.m_step_optimizer = m_step_optimizer
self.m_step_num_iters = m_step_num_iters
def distribution(self,
params: ParameterSet,
state: IntScalar,
inputs: Optional[Float[Array, " input_dim"]]=None
) -> tfd.Distribution:
"""Return a distribution over the next latent state
params: transition parameters
state: current latent state
inputs: current inputs
conditional distribution of next state.
raise NotImplementedError
def initialize(self,
key: Optional[Array]=None,
method: str="prior",
) -> Tuple[ParameterSet, PropertySet]:
"""Initialize the model parameters and their corresponding properties.
key: random number generator
method: specifies the type of initialization
tuple of parameters and their corresponding properties
raise NotImplementedError
def log_prior(self, params: ParameterSet) -> Scalar:
"""Compute the log prior probability of the transition distribution parameters.
params: transition distribution parameters
raise NotImplementedError
def _compute_transition_matrices(self, params, inputs:Optional[Array] = None):
"""Compute the transition matrix for each time step."""
if inputs is not None:
f = lambda inpt: \
vmap(lambda state: \
self.distribution(params, state, inpt).probs_parameter())(
next_inputs = tree_map(lambda x: x[1:], inputs)
return vmap(f)(next_inputs)
g = vmap(lambda state: self.distribution(params, state).probs_parameter())
return g(jnp.arange(self.num_states))
def collect_suff_stats(self,
params: ParameterSet,
posterior: HMMPosterior,
inputs: Optional[Float[Array, "num_timesteps input_dim"]]=None
) -> Tuple[Float[Array, "..."], Optional[Float[Array, "num_timesteps-1 input_dim"]]]:
"""Collect sufficient statistics for updating the transition distribution parameters.
params: transition distribution parameters
posterior: posterior distribution over latent states
inputs: optional inputs
PyTree of sufficient statistics for updating the transition distribution
return posterior.trans_probs, pytree_slice(inputs, slice(1, None))
def initialize_m_step_state(self, params: ParameterSet, props:PropertySet) -> Any:
"""Initialize any required state for the M step.
For example, this might include the optimizer state for Adam.
# Extract the remaining unconstrained params, which should only be for the emissions.
unc_params = to_unconstrained(params, props)
return self.m_step_optimizer.init(unc_params)
def m_step(self,
params: ParameterSet,
props: PropertySet,
batch_stats: PyTree,
m_step_state: Any,
scale: float=1.0
) -> Tuple[ParameterSet, Any]:
"""Perform an M-step on the transition distribution parameters.
params: current transition distribution parameters
props: parameter properties
batch_stats: PyTree of sufficient statistics from each sequence, as output by :meth:`collect_suff_stats`.
m_step_state: any state required for the M-step
scale: how to scale the objective
Parameters that maximize the expected log joint probability.
unc_params = to_unconstrained(params, props)
# Minimize the negative expected log joint probability
def neg_expected_log_joint(unc_params):
"""Compute the negative expected log joint probability."""
params = from_unconstrained(unc_params, props)
def _single_expected_log_like(stats):
"""Compute the expected log likelihood for a single sequence."""
expected_transitions, inputs = stats
log_trans_matrix = jnp.log(self._compute_transition_matrices(params, inputs))
lp = jnp.sum(expected_transitions * log_trans_matrix)
return lp
log_prior = self.log_prior(params)
batch_ells = vmap(_single_expected_log_like)(batch_stats)
expected_log_joint = log_prior + batch_ells.sum()
return -expected_log_joint / scale
# Run gradient descent
unc_params, m_step_state, losses = \
# Return the updated parameters and optimizer state
params = from_unconstrained(unc_params, props)
return params, m_step_state
class HMMEmissions(ABC):
"""Abstract class for HMM emissions.
def __init__(self,
m_step_num_iters=50) -> None:
self.m_step_optimizer = m_step_optimizer
self.m_step_num_iters = m_step_num_iters
def emission_shape(self) -> Tuple[int]:
"""Return a pytree matching the pytree of tuples specifying the shape(s)
of a single time step's emissions.
For example, a Gaussian HMM with D dimensional emissions would return (D,).
raise NotImplementedError
def distribution(self,
params: ParameterSet,
state: IntScalar,
inputs: Optional[Float[Array, " input_dim"]]=None
) -> tfd.Distribution:
"""Return a distribution over the emission
params: emission parameters
state: current latent state
inputs: current inputs
conditional distribution of the emission
raise NotImplementedError
def initialize(self,
key: Optional[Array]=None,
method: str="prior",
) -> Tuple[ParameterSet, PropertySet]:
"""Initialize the model parameters and their corresponding properties.
key: random number generator
method: specifies the type of initialization
tuple of parameters and their corresponding properties
raise NotImplementedError
def log_prior(self, params: ParameterSet) -> Scalar:
"""Compute the log prior probability of the transition distribution parameters.
params: transition distribution parameters
raise NotImplementedError
def _compute_conditional_logliks(self, params, emissions, inputs:Optional[Array] = None):
"""Compute the log likelihood of the emissions given the latent states."""
# Compute the log probability for each time step by
# performing a nested vmap over emission time steps and states.
f = lambda emission, inpt: \
vmap(lambda state: self.distribution(params, state, inpt).log_prob(emission))(
return vmap(f)(emissions, inputs)
def collect_suff_stats(self,
params: ParameterSet,
posterior: HMMPosterior,
emissions: Union[Real[Array, "num_timesteps emission_dim"],
Real[Array, " num_timesteps"]],
inputs: Optional[Float[Array, "num_timesteps input_dim"]]=None
) -> Tuple[Float[Array, "num_timesteps num_states"],
Union[Real[Array, "num_timesteps emission_dim"], Real[Array, " num_timesteps"]],
Optional[Float[Array, "num_timesteps input_dim"]]]:
"""Collect sufficient statistics for updating the emission distribution parameters.
params: emission distribution parameters
posterior: posterior distribution over latent states
emissions: observed emissions
inputs: optional inputs
PyTree of sufficient statistics for updating the emission distribution
return posterior.smoothed_probs, emissions, inputs
def initialize_m_step_state(self, params: ParameterSet, props:PropertySet) -> Any:
"""Initialize any required state for the M step.
For example, this might include the optimizer state for Adam.
# Extract the remaining unconstrained params, which should only be for the emissions.
unc_params = to_unconstrained(params, props)
return self.m_step_optimizer.init(unc_params)
def m_step(self,
params: ParameterSet,
props: PropertySet,
batch_stats: PyTree,
m_step_state: Any,
scale: float=1.0
) -> Tuple[ParameterSet, Any]:
"""Perform an M-step on the emission distribution parameters.
params: current emission distribution parameters
props: parameter properties
batch_stats: PyTree of sufficient statistics from each sequence, as output by :meth:`collect_suff_stats`.
m_step_state: any state required for the M-step
scale: how to scale the objective
Parameters that maximize the expected log joint probability.
# Extract the remaining unconstrained params, which should only be for the emissions.
unc_params = to_unconstrained(params, props)
# the objective is the negative expected log likelihood (and the log prior of the emission params)
def neg_expected_log_joint(unc_params):
"""Compute the negative expected log joint probability."""
params = from_unconstrained(unc_params, props)
def _single_expected_log_like(stats):
"""Compute the expected log likelihood for a single sequence."""
expected_states, emissions, inputs = stats
log_likelihoods = self._compute_conditional_logliks(params, emissions, inputs)
lp = jnp.sum(expected_states * log_likelihoods)
return lp
log_prior = self.log_prior(params)
batch_ells = vmap(_single_expected_log_like)(batch_stats)
expected_log_joint = log_prior + batch_ells.sum()
return -expected_log_joint / scale
# Run gradient descent
unc_params, m_step_state, losses = \
# Return the updated parameters and optimizer state
params = from_unconstrained(unc_params, props)
return params, m_step_state
class HMM(SSM):
r"""Abstract base class of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs).
The model is defined as follows
$$z_1 \mid u_1 \sim \mathrm{Cat}(\pi_0(u_1, \\theta_{\mathsf{init}}))$$
$$z_t \mid z_{t-1}, u_t, \\theta \sim \mathrm{Cat}(\pi(z_{t-1}, u_t, \\theta_{\mathsf{trans}}))$$
$$y_t | z_t, u_t, \\theta \sim p(y_t \mid z_t, u_t, \\theta_{\mathsf{emis}})$$
where $z_t \in \{1,\ldots,K\}$ is a *discrete* latent state.
There are parameters for the initial distribution, the transition distribution,
and the emission distribution:
$$\\theta = (\\theta_{\mathsf{init}}, \\theta_{\mathsf{trans}}, \\theta_{\mathsf{emis}})$$
For "standard" models, we will assume the initial distribution is fixed and the transitions
follow a simple transition matrix,
$$z_1 \mid u_1 \sim \mathrm{Cat}(\pi_0)$$
$$z_t \mid z_{t-1}=k \sim \mathrm{Cat}(\pi_{z_k})$$
where $\\theta_{\mathsf{init}} = \pi_0$ and $\\theta_{\mathsf{trans}} = \{\pi_k\}_{k=1}^K$.
The parameters are stored in a :class:`HMMParameterSet` object.
We have implemented many subclasses of `HMM` for various emission distributions.
:param num_states: number of discrete states
:param initial_component: object encapsulating the initial distribution
:param transition_component: object encapsulating the transition distribution
:param emission_component: object encapsulating the emission distribution
def __init__(self,
num_states : int,
initial_component : HMMInitialState,
transition_component : HMMTransitions,
emission_component : HMMEmissions):
self.num_states = num_states
self.initial_component = initial_component
self.transition_component = transition_component
self.emission_component = emission_component
# Implement the SSM abstract methods by passing on to the components
def emission_shape(self):
"""Return the shape of the emission distribution."""
return self.emission_component.emission_shape
def initial_distribution(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
inputs:Optional[Array] = None) \
-> tfd.Distribution:
"""Return the initial distribution."""
return self.initial_component.distribution(params.initial, inputs=inputs)
def transition_distribution(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
state: IntScalar,
inputs:Optional[Array] = None) \
-> tfd.Distribution:
"""Return the transition distribution."""
return self.transition_component.distribution(params.transitions, state, inputs=inputs)
def emission_distribution(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
state: IntScalar,
inputs:Optional[Array] = None) \
-> tfd.Distribution:
"""Return the emission distribution."""
return self.emission_component.distribution(params.emissions, state, inputs=inputs)
def log_prior(self, params: HMMParameterSet) -> Scalar:
"""Compute the log prior probability of the model parameters."""
lp = self.initial_component.log_prior(params.initial)
lp += self.transition_component.log_prior(params.transitions)
lp += self.emission_component.log_prior(params.emissions)
return lp
# The inference functions all need the same arguments
def _inference_args(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
emissions: Array,
inputs: Optional[Array]) -> Tuple:
"""Return the arguments needed for inference."""
return (self.initial_component._compute_initial_probs(params.initial, inputs),
self.transition_component._compute_transition_matrices(params.transitions, inputs),
self.emission_component._compute_conditional_logliks(params.emissions, emissions, inputs))
# Convenience wrappers for the inference code
def marginal_log_prob(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
emissions: Array,
inputs: Optional[Array]=None) -> float:
"""Compute the marginal log probability of the emissions."""
post = hmm_filter(*self._inference_args(params, emissions, inputs))
return post.marginal_loglik
def most_likely_states(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
emissions: Array,
inputs: Optional[Array]=None) \
-> Float[Array, "num_timesteps"]:
"""Compute the most likely sequence of states."""
return hmm_posterior_mode(*self._inference_args(params, emissions, inputs))
def filter(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
emissions: Array,
inputs: Optional[Array]=None) \
-> HMMPosteriorFiltered:
"""Compute the filtering distributions."""
return hmm_filter(*self._inference_args(params, emissions, inputs))
def smoother(self, params: HMMParameterSet,
emissions: Array,
inputs: Optional[Array]=None) \
-> HMMPosterior:
"""Compute the posterior smoothing distributions."""
return hmm_smoother(*self._inference_args(params, emissions, inputs))
# Expectation-maximization (EM) code
def e_step(
params: HMMParameterSet,
emissions: Array,
inputs: Optional[Float[Array, "num_timesteps input_dim"]]=None
) -> Tuple[PyTree, Scalar]:
"""The E-step computes expected sufficient statistics under the
posterior. In the generic case, we simply return the posterior itself.
args = self._inference_args(params, emissions, inputs)
posterior = hmm_two_filter_smoother(*args)
initial_stats = self.initial_component.collect_suff_stats(params.initial, posterior, inputs)
transition_stats = self.transition_component.collect_suff_stats(params.transitions, posterior, inputs)
emission_stats = self.emission_component.collect_suff_stats(params.emissions, posterior, emissions, inputs)
return (initial_stats, transition_stats, emission_stats), posterior.marginal_loglik
def initialize_m_step_state(self, params: HMMParameterSet, props: HMMPropertySet):
"""Initialize any required state for the M step.
For example, this might include the optimizer state for Adam.
initial_m_step_state = self.initial_component.initialize_m_step_state(params.initial, props.initial)
transitions_m_step_state = self.transition_component.initialize_m_step_state(params.transitions, props.transitions)
emissions_m_step_state = self.emission_component.initialize_m_step_state(params.emissions, props.emissions)
return initial_m_step_state, transitions_m_step_state, emissions_m_step_state
def m_step(
params: HMMParameterSet,
props: HMMPropertySet,
batch_stats: PyTree,
m_step_state: Any
) -> Tuple[HMMParameterSet, Any]:
Perform an M-step on the model parameters.
batch_initial_stats, batch_transition_stats, batch_emission_stats = batch_stats
initial_m_step_state, transitions_m_step_state, emissions_m_step_state = m_step_state
initial_params, initial_m_step_state = self.initial_component.m_step(params.initial, props.initial, batch_initial_stats, initial_m_step_state)
transition_params, transitions_m_step_state = self.transition_component.m_step(params.transitions, props.transitions, batch_transition_stats, transitions_m_step_state)
emission_params, emissions_m_step_state = self.emission_component.m_step(params.emissions, props.emissions, batch_emission_stats, emissions_m_step_state)
params = params._replace(initial=initial_params, transitions=transition_params, emissions=emission_params)
m_step_state = initial_m_step_state, transitions_m_step_state, emissions_m_step_state
return params, m_step_state